Thursday 28 November 2013

Victorian Decorations

Each week at The SEW-cial Nottingham we'll be making something different. This week was Victorian Decorations with paper and lace. 

The SEW-cial Derby has become more of a 'bring your own project' session. people have brought along make- up bags, aprons, knitting bags and I give them a helping hand with their idea. 
I'll be running a free open evening on the 9th Jan at the Cube Cafe in Derby, to come along, see what it's all about and decide whether you'd like to sign up!

Monday 25 November 2013

Pop Up Centre SEW-cial Nottingham

The SEW-cial Nottingham kicked off at the pop up centre (10 Fletcher Gate) where my work is also for sale in Debbie Bryan's shop. I used the opportunity to style an area and use some of my many charity shop gems to display beads, scissors and all the other sewing equipment! People made little Christmas decorations whilst drinking mulled wine served by my trusty friend Jeeves!

Friday 1 November 2013

Gingerbread men and smoothies!

Stockings, decorations, gingerbread men and advent calendars were all made last night, whilst drinking delicious home made smoothies and a bite to eat from the Cube Cafe- everyone went home with some finished sewn goodies! Pot stands, fabric bowls, and aprons are all lined up for the next few sessions.